We have collected a comprehensive list of information for the victims of the Vastaamo data breach. If you have been a client of Vastaamo before March 2019 your confidential information may have been stolen. Current information about the data breach can be found at Vastaamo's web pages. (read more)
What is KyberVPK?
During the COVID-19 pandemic, cyber attacks have increasingly targeted health care organizations, among others. The Finnish hacker collective KyberVPK - Community Cyber Response Force was established to help providers of critical services in the fight against attacks and to recover from them.
Depending on the needs of the organization requesting assistance, KyberVPK can help prevent security issues, test the security of customer environments, work together to resolve security breaches, or help with the secure deployment of systems, for example.
KyberVPK primarily assists:
How do I get help: